Wednesday, April 4, 2012

hell0 hondurans

okay alec and trevor please relax...i told you kansas and kentucky won and then kentucky beat kansas that game sucked.  hope you guys are healthy and what not. make sure to stay away from that high altitude pulmonary edema!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


proverbs 11: 2 "When pride comes, disgrace comes; but with the humble is wisdom."
     This verse is a great example of a basic rule of life.  It reminds me of a book i once read called "Pride and Prejudice" its a book that shows the transformation of people from overly prideful to humble.  They are not living good lives with pride and should be disgraced but they become humble and discover love.
   i will not be so cocky this week, i will focus on realizing that every0one is equal in god's eyes and should be ion mine.  instead of acting like im better than others i can praise them for their accomplishments
   i will humble myself before god and put him 1st in my life.  he is the best and i can do nothing wirthout him.  instead of thinking i am the reason for my good things in life i must realize god is the onlly one who can make good in the world he gives me everything

Monday, February 6, 2012

proverbs 10

proverbs 10: 4 "The slack hand impoverishes, but the hand of the diligent enriches. "
     this verse is telling us that if you're lazy and dont try you won't be rewarded but if you try your best and work really hard you will be rewarded.  it means if we ignore god and dont practice our faith we will not go to heaven but if we pray diligently we will get to heaven.
  i will take time each day to pray to god and thank him for everything and pray for help to keep following him

  i will try to follow jesus teachings by doing the ten commandments and beatitudes while helping others follow his path and being nice and doing the right thing in all situations.

Monday, January 30, 2012

proverbs niner

proverbs 9: 6 "Forsake foolishness that you may live; advance in the way of understanding."
     This verse is telling us to stop being dumb so that we can achieve our goal in life.  God is telling us to strive for understanding to help us reach salvation.  God wants us to look for him and learn all the things he is trying to teach us.
This phrase stuck out to me since its so blunt and easy to understand.  God wasnt beating around the bush with this verse

1 i will pray to god and try to seek out the knowledge and help that he is sending my way
2 i will try to make better decisions on my actions and words with my peers and in school.  I will take time to consider how my actions will affect me in the future.....

Monday, January 23, 2012

flippin leatard stuff::::featureddddd this one is crazy because some old lady breaks the law and ends up getting three kids killed,timeless,good moral..can interest anyone. .. this one is good because it talks about something everyone can relate to, our spending habits. it tells people all about why how when where and who are spending habits depend on. its really intriguing and timeless cuz ppl will always have spending habits.


proverbs 8: 14 "Mine are counsel and advice; Mine is strength; I am understanding."
dis fraze iz aweal gooh ezample uh howeda lizzin twoda loard ...I need to use god to help me with my tough decisions. he has good advice if i would just ask him.... if an issue or problem confuses me i can look at jesus example and teachings in the bible to help me understand everything better.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

idear #2

student jobs: ridonculous stories on the job:   Everyone has weird stories from their experiences working with weirdos at the local watering hole...nothing is more timelesss than a weird story..people love to hear wacky stories.